As the years have progressed, Suzanne Taylor Photography has begun branching out of the very safe world of Family and Child Fine Art Photography and started into the world of Business and Corporate photography. While professional headshots have always been part of the scope that Suzanne Taylor Photography captures, actual business and office photography is a semi-new venture that I am incredibly excited about because it capture the whole culture of your business and not just the faces that represent it.
A few weeks back, I had the esteemed pleasure of being hired by Dr. Adams of Market Mall Dermatology in Calgary, Alberta to take some office shots and business photography. His office was a beautiful mix of white and fuschia with a lot of amazing machines, lasers and some of the most friendly staff I have ever worked with. It is a top-notch facility and there is no question that a lot of love and care was put into the creation of his office space. It was warm, beautiful and modern with a touch of elegance.
Business photography is the art of turning your regular office into something really to be seen by your customers. We live in such a visual world in our current generation. We seem images all the time and the expectation in 2019 is that your business photography has to rise above the mainstream of what people consume daily with their eyes and really impress the viewer of your images. It doesn’t matter if it is on your website, your social media or on pamphlets – if it looks like anyone could have taken it, no one will pay any attention to it. Suzanne Taylor Photography has specialized in turning the ordinary into art for over 6 years and would love to speak to you about turning your office space into a marketable aspect of your business.
Business Photography is also important in the sense that there are a lot of benefits to having one business promote the other. With all business photography related projects, Suzanne Taylor Photography blogs and directs SEO traffic back to your site, making your search results on Google a little more visible and your images pop with a customer image search.
Interested in more about Suzanne Taylor Photography? Why not check out this short post about Family Photography with Suzanne Taylor Photography.
Suzanne Taylor Photography