EST.D 2007 Suzanne Taylor
Turning Emotion into Art • Red Deer, Alberta •

Mother’s Day 2017 Photography | Red Deer Photographer

Mother's Day 2017 Photography captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

My Mother’s Day 2017 Photography Shoot

Since my oldest was about 20 months old, I have committed to taking a photo of myself and my children each Mother’s Day that came and went – and an individual one of them as well if they would have it.  Images of Children and their Mother’s are such a valuable memento of life.  Before we know it, our children are grown up and beginning families of their own.  I am not near that point yet, but I think of it daily and record image after image after image of my children making sure that they know their roots and how much they were loved so that when the day comes I am no longer around, they have a FULL documentation of their childhoods.

Mother's Day 2017 Photography captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

How much changes in a year?

When I look at the changes in these children over the last year, it is amazing how much they have grown – both physically and emotionally.  I see depth, beauty, and poise as they are growing every day and their growth has been amazing.  This year, my Mother’s Day 2017 Photography shoot was wonderful – short of the crazy world of a 6.5 and 4.5-year-old triplets.  They are loud, often obnoxious, sweet, dirty, prissy and awesome.  I know that is a lot of words to describe four children, but it is the shortest list I could come up with…

That being said,  I have also lost 40lbs since 2015 and the changes I see in myself are nothing short of staggering.  Another reason to make sure Mother’s Day images are captured – watching yourself change, age, grow those beautiful laugh lines, gray hairs and all those things you hate about yourself today – you find you’re cherishing a year later.  Mother’s Day 2017 Photography sessions are always a hit and to think – we live in an age where it is never too late to get that image in.  Suzanne Taylor Photography is happy to accomodate anyone who is looking to have a Mommy and Me session at ANY time in the year.

Mother's Day 2017 Photography captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography


Who is your Mother?  Who is she to you?

While some people who read this will be likely triggered (I am sorry for that), I hope that most people can look back and think about their Mother’s fondly.  My Mother has been one of the greatest sources of strength for me in my life and I know that many other friends of mine are lucky to have similar thoughts and feelings about their mothers.  Some Mom’s are poor parents – sometimes because of different and uncontrollable reasons.  Other times, some Mom’s are kind of crappy because of other reasons most people will never know.

I worked in Children’s Services under many different hats when I was still a practicing Social Worker.  The thing that always got me was the devotion even the worst parents had for their children.  No person becomes a parent and hopes the worst for their infant in their arms as they look down on them (except the severely ill).  Mother’s always want the best for their children, even if it means their children will be starting their own path away from the nest and on their OWN accord.

So why bring this up?  Here is why.

Our children are OUR children.  I look at each of my children and think daily where they will journey to in their lives.  Will they choose to be educated and professionals?  Will they be entertainers?  Will they succumb to drugs or alcohol issues?  Will they even survive to adulthood? (and not because they are miserable more often than not – lol).  The reality is we don’t know what will happen tomorrow, the next day or the one after that.  If we don’t stop to document our lives with our children, one day there will no longer be a chance to.  I don’t plan to live forever – it’s a fact.  No one escapes the inevitable, but by recording what I can now I hope that my children will be able to look back at the pictures they “hate” (a strong word that they are just trying out in the home) having done and smile knowing that no matter the drama, Mom always made sure to make sure she was part of the photographic history of their lives.  I fantasize about my beautiful children showing their beautiful children in another 25 -35 years from now these images and telling the stories about their photographic obsessed Mother and the headaches she gave them by stretching her Mother’s Day 2017 Photography “one more picture” into another 10-20 minutes of shooting time….or at least I hope they can see a brighter side to it.

Mother's Day 2017 Photography captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

Mother's Day 2017 Photography captured by Suzanne Taylor Photography

A Thank You to Our Mothers

Regardless of your relationship with your Mother, without her, you wouldn’t be here reading this post right now about Mother’s Day 2017 Photography.  None of us are perfect – hell – I consider myself just getting by still most days.  I do the best I can with the personalities bestowed on me and savor every moment of these little people before the pressures of life and reality begin to bog down their minds, psyches, and hearts.  Let them be little and let them remember YOU.  The hot mess of a Mother who makes sure they look beautiful every day while you run out the door remembering you haven’t brushed your hair in two days and you’re wearing the same clothes you did yesterday.  The hot mess of a Mother who lives for her children and wonders how HER Mother did such an amazing job with so much more seemingly on her plate.

We owe our Mother’s a lot whether you love them or not – say thank you and take some pictures with your kids – FOR YOUR KIDS…not you.  They will never care if you look like ass or not…because you are you.



Want to read more?  How about this awesome session at Sweet Capone’s in Lacombe, AB!

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