First Blush Photography Donated over $2000 to
the TTMAC in 2015 between cash donations and
the Christmas Party.
For the past three years I have had the opportunity to give back to a non-profit that means a lot to me – the TTMAC. TTMAC stands for the Twin, Triplet and More Association of Calgary and I have been a member of them since I found out I was expecting my triplets way back in very early 2012. Finding out your expecting triplets is an experience that many people will never hear and certainly something I never thought I would hear from anyone I knew let alone my Doctor.
The TTMAC is an organization in Calgary, Alberta that provides support, friendship, activities and other opportunities to parents who were over achievers and had two or more children at one time. I have had wonderful experiences with this club from trips away to Canmore, Alberta to more of a Staycation style event where we stay locally and enjoy the festivities and businesses around us in Calgary. Most importantly though, I have made some amazing friends, some of which talked me off a ledge many times during my pregnancy. I was so overwhelmed and every accessory I looked at for triplets I felt made me look like a total freak show, from triplet infant carriers (two in the front, one in the back) to the long choo-choo style strollers that an average person wouldn’t be able to avoid staring at. I was expecting triplets and I couldn’t even help but to stare.
TTMAC helps take the confusion and terror out of a multiple pregnancy.
The TTMAC members I became connected to help normalize my pregnancy and make me feel whole again by being connected with a handful of other triplet mom’s and so many wonderful twin moms. I was fully supported despite living about two hours away and turned many of those ‘Facebook Friends” into life long friends that I am still so thankful I met.
Taking pictures at the TTMAC Christmas Party is a commitment that I volunteered for around three and a half years ago and I have been part of this awesome event three times now. Each year it is a little different but it is a wonderful way to give back to the organization each December – after all, who doesn’t like a great Santa picture?
I also had the opportunity this year to make a couple of other donations after a very busy year with some amazing TTMAC families that took advantage of several image sessions that I ran for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Fall this year. I still wanted to give more back then I took in support and appreciation for this community, so with each session I captured for these three events I wanted to contribute some money back to help the social efforts that mean so much to all the members who regularly participate in them and during the fall retreat in Canmore at the beginning of November, First Blush Photography donated a FULL MINI SESSION worth $399 as well as a check for $1000 from all of those beautiful sessions. That brought with the Christmas Session time commitments and product up to around $2000 this year from First Blush Photography – money that I hope will bring a lot of fun and joy to the members of the TTMAC.
Santa Pictures for ALL!
The Santa pictures this year were a lot of fun to do and was it ever different this year having only one party to shoot instead of several. Santa was very jolly though and for the most part I think most of the kids really enjoyed their visit. Ok – I lied – lot of kids were horrified and screaming the entire time, but that IS the classic holiday picture am I right? Every parent looks forward to the day their kids look at Santa and scream bloody murder as he gently and calmly asks what they want for the most festive of seasons.
Things to remember about these years images:
1) The images are perfect for the moment. Some of you guys have children that are crying, some happy, some sad…some completely indifferent – lol. A Santa picture is perfect no matter how your kids look.
2) The decorations were completely out of my control – as well as the wrinkles in the back drop. It was a challenging location this year as the space was quite different being in a tent but with a little editing magic they look just awesome.
3) Everyone is sharing the same link so please be respectful of the images that are not yours. Please DO NOT download images that are not yours and just enjoy the gallery. There would be no way I could get these back to you in a timely manner by sending them out individually and that just would not do at this time of year. To access the images just follow the link and when you open the gallery of all the images of the day find yours and then at the top of the right hand corner you will see an option to download. Click it and it should start automatically.
4) If your interested in my sprucing up your photo (further corrections like blemish removal, smoothing out a few extra pounds, etc.), removing the watermark and providing a resolution around 8×10 I can and the price is $25/image plus GST. This is certainly not a requirement, however an option a few people enjoyed last year so I wished to offer it again.
5) The link will be active until the end of December so that should provide you enough time to download and back up your images. If you loose your image I will retain a copy but there will be a $20 fee to re send it to you.
Did you know that ALL TTMAC families receive 10% off of their session order???
Thank you again so much for the support this year from the bottom of my heart. I know it is a dual appreciation situation, but the majority of my business comes from TTMAC members and that in turn keeps my children clothed and some food on the table in our home. Your support is so very important to me which is why I enjoy doing the Christmas party every year in the hopes for everyone to get a small thank you from me. I look really forward to next year and hope that everyone enjoys the holiday season and stays safe and healthy for the New Year.
All the best for 2016 my friends – life wouldn’t be as happy without all of you.
Best Wishes,
DOWNLOAD LINK for Christmas Party Images:
The Afterparty.
Shalon Rivera - Thank you so much for doing the Santa photos!!! I absolutely love our photo, great job!!
Merry Christmas 🙂
Quan Co - Thanks so much, Suzanne, for taking these wonderful santa photos! We love our pictures 🙂
Crystal Koch Lang - Thank you. Looks great.
Krystie-Rae Lalonde - Wonderful photos! Thanks a bunch!!
Niesa Silzer - Thank you! Your time and talent is very appreciated!!!!
First Blush Photography - Your very welcome Shalon! I am glad that you loved it.
First Blush Photography - Your so welcome Quan 🙂
First Blush Photography - Thank you Crystal! I am glad you love it!
First Blush Photography - Your very welcome Krystie-Rae!
First Blush Photography - Your welcome Niesa!
Bentley Annual Santa Breakfast 2017 | Suzanne Taylor Photography - […] for the following year. I dusted off my Santa Breakfast photography skills (I photographed the Twin and Triplet Association of Calgary’s Santa Party for a few years when the babies were younger) and got ready to photograph some smiles, tears and […]